How to Spot a Narcissist Before They Manipulate You


3. Contradicting facial expressions.

 The next one is facial expressions, and again, I’m not talking about something such as, if your fiancé puts their face like this ?, it’s because they are narcissists… no, it doesn’t work that way. But it works in the sense that their facial expression reactions will give them away when the emotions they project in their faces are not the emotions that they are trying to express with their words and actions.

And in that sense, a narcissist will be very careful not just to say kind words, but also make sure their actions match that apparent kindness. Something as simple as a narcissist acknowledging someone’s work, value, or achievements… that could be a good thing; they act and say something good, something appropriate. But if at that instant you spot that their facial expression changes for a split second and show a contradicting emotion, like anger, or disgust, THAT could be a signal of their true feelings.

A Book: Controlling People: How to Recognize, Understand, and Deal with People Who Try to Control You.

This is where we enter the fascinating realm of triggering emotions. When you don’t wait for a circumstance to arise so that the narcissist displays those microexpressions; instead, you are suspicious that they could be a narcissist, and then you set them up in a situation in which they would have to go against that; Such as praising someone.

For the narcissist, you’re trying to spark an emotional reaction that confirms those narcissistic traits. And if it helps to be sure about their true intentions, then… it’s fair game.

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