How to Stop Attracting Narcissists (6 Simple Tips)


Number 2: Stop seeking strong sensations.

 If you are a fan of big thrills, you have an increased chance of attracting a narcissistic individual. Sensation-seeking has been identified as a factor associated with attraction to narcissists, but what is it exactly? Sensation-seeking is the tendency to look for situations or people that can provoke strong feelings in you and it can refer to both positive and negative sensations. For instance, if you are a fan of horror movies or violent media, you are likely a sensation-seeker. But how does this relate to narcissists?

Narcissistic people love entertaining others and can present you with strong emotions, both positive and negative. As we mentioned, they need to do things that are in line with their inflated self-image and that can perpetuate their feelings of greatness. They will not shy away from showering you with compliments or bringing you to an extravagant date because they seek your approval. Narcissists enjoy appearing generous, unique and thus impressing others. But these are not the only emotions they can arouse.

With a narcissistic personality comes a lot of drama and conflicts. Narcissists can be very easily offended and their self-confidence is actually quite fragile when challenged. They do not hesitate to retaliate, attack you and make you look bad. They do not stand those who oppose them as they have a need to always be right and in control. Alternatively, when confronted, they can manipulate you into feeling guilty and appearing unreasonable.

While this doesn’t sound as an experience one would enjoy, it can be a very immersive dynamic that keeps you busy and on edge. Therefore, if as a person you enjoy feeling intense emotions and provocation in a relationship, you may easily attract a narcissist, as this is an environment in which they can thrive. In order for you to break the spell, try to limit your sensation-seeking to other types of entertainment, not interpersonal relationships. After all, we all know that a healthy relationship can bring about many positive emotions that in the long run outweigh cheap thrills.

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