How to Stop Attracting Narcissists (6 Simple Tips)


Number 4: Make the first move.

Narcissists love being the center of attention, so they gladly approach people they are attracted to. They love standing out and they cannot pass up an opportunity to create a new admirer. In their eyes, you are a new audience that needs to be conquered, a stage on which they can show off their talents.

 So, next time someone comes up to talk to you at a bar or a social gathering, give it a thought that they might have narcissistic traits. Moreover, you do not have to be a passive observer in your life, watching things happen to yourself. You can take the matter into your own hands and approach someone who caught your attention.

If you wait for someone to come up to you, you have increased chances of meeting a narcissist, as this is something that they are bound to do. However, if you decide to strike up a conversation with a stranger, you get access to a larger pool of people, with lower chances of predefined characteristics that can be typical of narcissism.

Number 3: Open up to them.

 Narcissistic individuals value physical attractiveness and status a lot in a partner, but not so much warmth and intimacy. Physical characteristics and welfare in a partner can serve them in front of other people, as this promotes their positive image. It also supports their belief that they are exceptional as they have an attractive partner with a good position in society, which fits their mental image of the life they believe they should have.

Affection and closeness, on the other hand, can promptly drive narcissists away. Remember, they look for short-term relationships that feed their ego but they cannot share and hence avoid meaningful conversations that usually bring people closer. Furthermore, a relationship is useful to them only as long as their partner admires them and they are on a pedestal. Once you demand reciprocity, they lose interest since this situation no longer serves them or brings them satisfaction.

 Opening up and becoming more intimate with your partner is, firstly, a great way to develop a relationship of trust and warmth. Secondly, it is a sure way to drive a narcissist away, as they will not respond to the newly developed closeness but will rather escape and move on to the next person, as per their usual routine.

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