Narcissism In Men | Is This Type Suitable For A Serious Relationship

Narcissism In Men | Is This Type Suitable For A Serious Relationship


Today, we are going to talk about ” narcissism in men” and see if this type suitable for a serious relationship.

Without self-love, it is impossible to build normal relationships with others, earn their respect, or achieve success in your personal life and career. But sometimes this feeling is excessive, and a person becomes so narcissistic that his behavior repels other people and gives a lot of problems.

In this case, we have to talk about a disease called “narcissism “, or more specifically, “narcissism in men”. What does this term mean? Why does such a personality disorder happen in men? What are its signs? And can the situation be corrected?

What is narcissism and how to recognize it?

In psychology, the concept of falling in love with oneself is inextricably linked with conduct disorder, but at the same time, it is considered an absolute norm for a person. The following signs indicate the presence of narcissism in men:

  • they exaggerate their importance in all possible ways;
  • live with dreams and fantasies about their own success, “grandeur”;
  • idealists in everything;
  • show arrogance, a desire to stand out from the crowd;
  • need compliments, praises;
  • are able to use people for their own purposes and interests;
  • feel envy.

Men, by their very nature, feel victorious from birth, strive for power, and, moreover, have strength and endurance. Therefore, the narcissistic egoist syndrome manifests itself more often in males than in females. Sometimes it is latent, but sooner or later it appears.

Narcissistic syndrome in a man: how to build relationships and can this disease be treated?

Living side by side with someone who has selfish inclinations with signs of narcissism can be a nightmare. In 80% of cases, such unions break up due to the partner’s excessive selfishness.

Relationships with men suffering from narcissism are not strong and reliable, because the partner’s arrogance and his confidence in his constant righteousness will become a stumbling block in any dispute. There are not so many likely outcomes:

  • endure the antics of your other half;
  • adapt to the selfish habits of the chosen one;
  • do not pay attention, or defend their line of conduct;
  • become the same narcissist as a partner.
  • In other cases, the relationship ends and not always in a good, friendly way.

The latest research in the field of psychology and psychotherapy is helping to get rid of the problem of narcissism. Since this behavior is abnormal and indicative of a personality disorder, doctors prescribe antidepressants and mood stabilizers as general therapy. Additionally, professional confidential conversations are held, in which the patient’s actions are analyzed in detail.

A book: Anxiety Disorders In Women – The Ultimate Resource Guide

How to communicate with someone with signs of narcissism

Latent aggression, the desire to control other people and their thoughts are the fundamental factors motivating the actions of a narcissistic man. Compliance with several rules will help to communicate with this type of person with the least loss:

  • Establish clear personal boundaries of communication, create a “safety zone” into which an egoist cannot enter. A timely refusal or a reasoned explanation of it, directly expressed in the face of the narcissist, will help to identify the line that you will not allow to go beyond.
  • “Mix” compliments and criticism. Such a presentation of your opinion will be perceived more calmly and adequately than large-scale comments.
  • Do not fully open up to individuals with signs of narcissism – it is worth keeping a trump card up your sleeve so as not to fall into the trap of blackmail.
  • When accepting help from a selfish person, one must be ready to pay, even if the person who offered it said aloud about the gratuitousness and sincerity of his motives.
  • Do not make excuses in front of a narcissistic man: this act shows “weakness”, which he will surely take advantage of when the opportunity arises.
  • Do not recklessly trust a person suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder, because the best actors in Hollywood could envy his theatrical talents in communication.
  • Not trying to persuade, to win an argument is useless, even impossible. A narcissistic man remains inflexible in any situation.
  • In family relationships, “to track” how a person with this disease communicates with children – there is a high probability of a negative impact on their still unformed character.
  • Restrain your emotions with a narcissist, because his goal is to siphon energy and strength out of you by all means. Learn how to recognize and defend against an energy vampire.

There are no hopeless situations, and even in such a difficult case as narcissism, there is a way out. Communication, tactful discussion of the problems, shortcomings, and actions of a man with this disorder, the help of professionals, joint or separate pieces of training to overcome difficulties allow, if not completely get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon, but at least partially curb the character, learn to restrain negative emotions and other negativity.

Those were the main signs of narcissism in men, and I hope this is helpful for you. Please, do not forget to share this article with your friends and family.

Read more: Narcissist Mind Games | 10 MIND GAMES Played By The Narcissist

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