7 Things That Frighten Narcissists To Their Core

7 Things That Frighten Narcissists To Their Core


Welcome to today’s article where we will be looking at seven things that create narcissistic mortification and crisis in the narcissist worldview.

Navigating a relationship with a narcissist can be like tiptoeing through a field of emotional landmines. These individuals, characterized by Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), harbor a deeply entrenched sense of self-importance, an insatiable need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. But what happens when you challenge their grandiose self-image and venture into territory that frightens them to their very core?

The key to understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder is that the entire formation of the personality is based around a false self. So they have a hyper-idealized vision of themselves that protects them from the realities of the world. So basically, all of these are a reflection of when reality creeps in, it defies the reality of the false self and causes the narcissist to wake up to the fact that they’re living inside of a delusion, and this creates mortification and can spiral the narcissist into complete crisis.

So let’s dive into the seven things that frighten narcissists to their core.

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