This Happens When The Narcissist Is Finished With You

This Happens When The Narcissist Is Finished With You


Today, I will be looking at a few behaviours of the Narcissist when they are finished with you. Because with Narcissists there is a cut-off point; meaning there will come a time for many people when the Narcissist has no use for them anymore. Narcissists are all about taking and controlling. So, if you have nothing more to give the Narcissist or they are unable to control you, then they will want nothing to do with you.

And depending on the situation, the Narcissist will be looking to discard you or on some rare occasions, they will be hoping that you discard them. It all comes down to which will benefit the Narcissist the most or work out better for them in the end. A Narcissist’s exit from a relationship must be as successful as their entry; so, they will plan and execute it with all diligence.  This can happen in any type of Narcissistic Relationship. So, whether the Narcissist is a friend, partner, sibling, parent, co-worker, or boss; they will all have people at one point or another who they no longer have any use for and will look to dispose of them.

Related: Do Not Do This When A Relationship Ends With A Narcissist.

Relationships are important to the Narcissist but they must be on their terms. And they basically want to surround themselves with people they can benefit from and people they can control. And it’s the simple fact that the Narcissist only cares about what they want and who can give it to them. So, when a Narcissist has depleted a resource or has someone in their circle who they just cannot manipulate or control, after a few failed attempts, they will start treating them differently.

But this is usually only after they have slandered you sufficiently, to the point where others will actually be in agreement with their treatment of you. So, the smear campaign will be in full swing to add even more pressure to what the Narcissist will be doing to you directly.

And the following things I am going to go through are in no specific order but are all likely to happen when a Narcissist is finished with you. And the end goal of their actions is to discard you or get you to discard them.

Below Are The Top 6 behaviours of the narcissist when they are finished with you.

Continue reading on the next page


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