When The Narcissist Knows That YOU KNOW | 3 Possible Reactions

When The Narcissist Knows That YOU KNOW | 3 Possible Reactions


Today’s topic is about the narcissist knowing that you know what they are or what they are up to, and will also be shedding a light on the narcissist’s need for control even in this matter because narcissist awareness is on another level.

 No longer are we in the dark as to what we are dealing with; we know who they are. More of them are finding out what they are. The playing field is changing. Knowing how to deal with narcissists is crucial, to avoid getting trapped and manipulated by these creatures. But what is also important to know is how the narcissist responds when they’ve realized that you have figured them out.

The interesting thing is that some narcissists are in denial as to what they are, and some still just don’t know what they are, which is something I have covered in this article, but it still doesn’t matter. Narcissists know when they are trying to screw you over. They know that they are fake, and they know that they are liars, sneaky, two-faced, selfish, and proud.

 So even if they don’t know or accept the title of a narcissist, they still are a narcissist. And when they realize that you are onto them with regards to how they operate and treat people, they will respond in one of three ways. All narcissists will adopt one of the following three methods that I’m going to be into in order to deal with those people who have figured them out and are no longer fooled by their fake image, fake smiles, and charisma.

 The choice of method depends on who you are to the narcissist; if you are someone they still need in their life, if you are more powerful or influential than they are, or if you are someone they can do without.

 When the narcissist realizes you are not buying what they are selling, they need to find new ways to manage you or control how you affect their life. They hate being around people who can see beyond the mask. They instantly deem you as a threat, and their ultimate aim will be to destroy you. Whether they try the soft approach or go hard straight away, the narcissist wants you gone.

 When the narcissist knows that you know what they really are, it is a situation that needs to be controlled. Expect them to go silent around you until they figure out the best way to tackle the situation. But let’s get into the three different approaches that a narcissist will take once they realize that you are onto them.

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