10 Behaviors Female Narcissists Possess

 Number 9: Female narcissists love to push people against each other.

 The female narcissist may use her victim’s association to acquire access to money or position. She then engages in rumor-mongering, smear campaigns, and the building of triangles. She feeds people incorrect or humiliating information about the victim. Still, after the idealization period is complete, she will be devalued and discarded.’

 The female narcissist may use falsehoods to push their friends against one another, alleging that they are gossiping about one another, when, in fact, her lies are causing the dispute. She can then confirm her own false sense of superiority to hidden and overt put-downs.

 Number 10: Female narcissists have a sadistic sense of pleasure in someone’s pain.

 The delight and joy she finds in dragging others down are perhaps one of the most underrated characteristics of female narcissists. She delights in sneaking in a few punches and enjoying seeing the formerly confident victim become surprised and outraged. When the subject shifts to more important emotional topics, she responds with superficial comments or harsh reprimands, invalidating her victim’s reality.

 She has a ruthless ability to idealize devalue and discard her victims without hesitation. She is incapable of having healthy, emotionally, meaningful connections. Thus, she enjoys destroying other people’s relationships and friendships for her own amusement.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 By observing these listed behaviors by a female narcissist, you will eventually discover how quickly you can determine them. Any narcissist, male or female, cannot use the fear of destroying your reputation or friendships if you are formally grounded in your own self-validation. As long as you stay firm in your boundaries, any female narcissist will just spend their lives attempting to maintain their fake image. At the same time, your integrity will continue to speak for itself.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissistic Parents Do To Their Children.


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