How Do Narcissists Choose Their Prey

How Do Narcissists Choose Their Prey


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to attract narcissists more than others? It’s because narcissists have a particular way of picking the people they want to be close to. These people are their “prey.” But how do narcissists choose their prey? Well, it’s not about being smart or not, it’s about certain qualities they look for.

Narcissists are hunters. As hunters, they look out for prey everywhere, stalk them, and grab the opportunity to lure them into their traps. But these so-called hunters choose their target wisely. They do not just go off from one person to another; they thoroughly consider their options depending on their perceptions.

Many victims are drawn to narcissists because of their appealing and charismatic personalities. Have you ever wondered why narcissists choose some people to be their prey while having no regard for others?

Let’s go over how narcissists choose their prey and find out how they are attracted to them.

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