10 Main Habits of a Narcissist


 Number 3: They will tend to gaslight you to defend themselves.

 Gaslighting is known to be their first line of defense. Narcissists will make you feel worse and believe that everything is your fault. They’ll always make it sound like you’re too emotional over things that are no big deal. When you bring up a worry, they downplay your emotions and deny events that occurred. It’s much easier for them to persuade you using lies and manipulation rather than admitting to their abusive behavior. They take advantage of this to deprive you of the happiness you deserve, to get pain and doubt into your reality.

 Number 4: They will use baiting to control you.

 Baiting is a narcissistic strategy for getting someone to respond to them. Narcissists instantly enticed you into a conflict by attacking your character to get your attention and reaction. Crying, screaming, and yelling show that you care about them and they have complete control over you.

 Narcissists intentionally exploit your vulnerabilities and trigger points to purposely push your buttons, and that trauma bonding keeps you connected to a narcissist. This framing game in which the Narcissist plays the victim and tries to elicit sympathy is one that narcissists enjoy.

 Number 5: They will manipulate you to the best of their ability.

 Narcissists may have spent months or years attacking your identity; they are more knowledgeable about you than you are about yourself. They play the martyr, listing all of the sacrifices they’ve made for you and telling you that you’ll never find another person like them. Some may muster up crying or feeling unappreciated but don’t be deceived.

Narcissists are wolves in sheep’s clothing; you may find yourself sliding into their trap while completely ignoring it. Narcissists employ manipulation to break you down by using your deepest fears, weaknesses, and guilt.

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