10 Mistakes That Will Get You Into Trouble with a Narcissist


 Number 6: Conforming to narcissists’ gaslighting tactics.

 Narcissists deploy glasslighting tactics to plant doubt in your mind. They will invalidate your thoughts and emotions by making you believe that you are only making things up. If you conform to narcissists’ gaslighting tactic, you will eventually get into trouble with them. You will think you might be going crazy since those egomaniacs constantly deny your reality. In addition, you may feel like there is a reduction in your worth as a person because narcissists will devalue you through their gaslighting tactics.

 Strengthening your core identity is one of the most powerful weapons to destroy narcissists’ gaslighting tactics. If you have successfully built a strong core identity, narcissists can’t reuse your flaws and weaknesses to put you down. If you know yourself well enough, there is no reason for you to be affected by the narcissist’s offensive words against you.

 To be more familiar with yourself, you should perform constant introspection, examining one’s thoughts and feelings. Discover yourself and embrace every part of you that others fail to acknowledge and appreciate.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 Number 7: Showing too much emotion in front of narcissists.

 Since narcissists are attention Seekers, they want your reaction and emotions. You might get into trouble if you show too much emotion in front of them. If you are too transparent with them, they might be able to discover your weaknesses and use them against you. You must learn how to maintain a poker face when dealing with narcissists’ attention-seeking behaviors.

 Suppose they observe that you are unresponsive and unaffected by their tactics, in that case, narcissists will eventually get exhausted and disengage from you to look for another victim.

 Number 8: Justify narcissists’ red flags.

 Suppose you have someone special who is narcissistic, perhaps a close friend, a romantic partner, a family member, a colleague, a boss, etc. in that case, you should not turn a blind eye to the red flags they display in front of you or others. Do not allow your love and concern for them to overshadow all those red flags; you might get into trouble if you justify narcissists’ flaws and mistakes. Those egomaniacs will think that you are tolerating their unpleasant behaviors.

 As a result, narcissists will never change for the better because they know someone is already ready to defend and justify their actions. They might only want to be understanding towards narcissistic people. However, narcissists will take advantage of you for always considering and pardoning their faults.

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