10 Mistakes That Will Get You Into Trouble with a Narcissist


 Number 3: Responding to narcissists’ attention-seeking behaviors.

 Narcissists want to get your attention because they are attention Seekers. Their attention-seeking behaviors range from trying to make a show to performing dangerous acts, annoying others, and the like. Since narcissists are self-centered, they want to be in the spotlight. Narcissists strive to get other people’s eyes and ears directed toward them. In addition, narcissists are thirsty for others’ praise as it will boost their inflated egos even more.

 Indeed, narcissists live for the Applause; you might get into trouble if you respond to narcissists’ attention-seeking behaviors since these people have unstable emotions and quick tempers. You will endanger your safety if you piss them off; never feed narcissists cravings for attention because they will feel euphoric once they get it, and you contribute to boosting their inflated egos if you respond to their attention-seeking behaviors.

 Number 4: Participating in an unhealthy exchange of words with narcissists.

 Narcissists are always up for argument or debate because they are loud and proud. Since they think they’re always right, they have the urge to argue with anyone who disagrees with their opinions. Never get involved in an unhealthy exchange of words with narcissists because you will only waste your time and energy on their nonsense talks.

 You will never learn something if you get into a debate with those egomaniacs. This is because their only mission is to prove they are correct when it is obvious that they are wrong. Narcissists will squirm in Anger if you expose inaccuracies in their claims.

 Number 5: Showing narcissists that you have weak boundaries.

 Vulnerable victims attract narcissistic people to enter their lives; never show narcissists that you are too welcoming because they are Intruders. They will break in and steal whatever narcissistic Supply they find in you. Thus, you must learn to set healthy boundaries to prevent narcissists from trespassing into your private space. Those egomaniacs will only bring confusion, destruction, and Trauma if you allow them to enter your life.

Avoid getting yourself into trouble with narcissists by building firm and Tall walls between you and them, because that way, it will be hard for those Intruders to climb over those walls. As a result, narcissists will eventually get tired of trying to infiltrate your private life.

 Narcissists love an easy job, which is why they search for an easy target. Do not put your guard down every time you deal with narcissists because they are only waiting for the perfect time to strike you. Show those egomaniacs that you are not the potential victim to pursue.

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