10 Problems Only Empaths Have


Number 5: Sounds, smells, and sensations get to you fast.

An empath isn’t just sensitive to the emotions of others, as they can also be highly sensitive to sounds, smells, and other sensations that others might find exciting or even run-of-the-mill. Going through the fragrance area of a mall can be pretty overstimulating to some empaths, as can going to concerts or crowded places. If you’re the friend of an empath, it may be best to inform them of what the environment is going to be like before taking them along, since this could help avoid an unfortunate situation for them. Empaths and highly-sensitive people often overlap, and it isn’t just people and their emotions that empaths have to deal with.

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Number 4: Empaths dread conflict.

Besides a select group of people, most human beings would rather avoid conflict if they have the choice. The thing is, when it comes to empaths they can often take things to a whole other level. In a conflict scenario, Empaths will usually choose the worse outcome for themselves if it means avoiding confrontation and everything that comes with it. They don’t do this just out of kindness, but also fear of being hurt. Because empaths are sensitive by nature, they know that it is probably easier to hurt them than they would maybe even like to admit, and so avoiding the situation altogether is usually the best course of action. This is actually one of the biggest empath problems in relationships too, since they can sometimes avoid asking for help or admit there is an issue at all. Because of this, communication in a relationship with an empath is extremely important, and can keep both parties out of added tension down the line.

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Number 3: You can feel alone more than you’d like.

In many ways, empaths see the world in a whole different light than the rest of us. While that is a great thing in many ways, it can also make them feel like they aren’t really relating to the non-empaths around them. Being an empath is complex for this reason, and a common reaction is to isolate as a result. This is a comforting reaction, but ultimately one that should be avoided if your goal is to make new friends. Relating to a person is extremely important, empath or not, to creating a friendship or relationship, and it can be difficult for empaths to achieve this. The important thing is to realize that everyone is a little different, and just like you, they simply want to find a way to connect, even if it is in a slightly different way.

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