10 Secrets Narcissists Keep from You


 Number 4: Narcissists don’t care about anyone but themselves unless it benefits them.

 Narcissists can be charming and charismatic, but they’re also manipulative predators who usually have no empathy for those around them. They don’t care about anyone but themselves; they only care about what they can get out of that person. Narcissists need to feel superior to everyone around them, so they’ll do anything to keep feeling that way.

Narcissists are selfish, self-centered people. If they were to see someone drowning, they would probably just watch them drown because they couldn’t be bothered to help. Narcissists will always put their own needs first, even if it means stepping on someone else’s toes to get what they want out of them.

 Number 5: Narcissists will lie about anything and everything to get what they want out of life.

 Narcissists are, by nature, liars. They’re so self-centered that they don’t care what to say or do to get what they want, including lying, but not all lies are created equal. Narcissists will lie about anything and everything because they feel entitled to do so. They often lie about their feelings, intentions, and actions to avoid taking responsibility for anything that happens.

 Number 6: Narcissists have no empathy for other people’s feelings and needs.

They don’t care about how their actions affect others; they just want to do what they want. They don’t understand that there are other people in this world with different needs and desires, and they don’t care enough to try to understand them. When you’re with a narcissist, you may feel like you’re the only person. You might even think that being around someone who’s so self-involved is flattering. But the truth is, narcissists have no empathy for other people’s feelings and needs, damaging your relationship with friends and family members.

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