10 Signs a Narcissist Has Emotionally Discarded You

Number 9: They walk all over you and shamelessly take full advantage of you.

Once a narcissist has emotionally discarded you, they really don’t care anymore. There is just one reason that they’re still there, and that reason is that they still have a use for you. The narcissist is using you.

Number 10: You have become an emotional hostage.

Over an extended period of time, narcissists use guilt, fear, and other negative emotions to manipulate you into getting what they want. They may have temper tantrums, threaten to harm you or themselves, gaslight you, blame you, and this goes on and on. You may continue begging and promising to do better and to try harder, but nothing works. So even if you sacrifice yourself to try to meet their needs, their psychological attacks will continue to increase in frequency and intensity until you are in an almost constant state of fear and anxiety, feeling like you’re walking on eggshells, feeling trapped in an endless maze of confusion.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 So, if you’re staying with a narcissist for whatever reason, you need to adjust your expectations and understand that their psychological abuse is a defense mechanism and it is highly unlikely to change. The real reason you’re being discarded, and this is really the only thing you need to know and accept, is that they have a mental disorder called narcissistic personality disorder that causes them to behave in these ways, to create a false fantasy self in a false fantasy delusion and reality, and they find people to help them uphold these delusions. That’s it.

 They’re not attached to you, and if they believe that you’re catching on or going to expose them, or that someone else could do a better job serving them, you will be discarded. And don’t expect them to tell you that they’re sick, to apologize for their bad behavior, or give you any kind of closure. They’ll be more than happy to leave you stuck in the Maze going round and around and around for as long as you let them. So please stop trying to figure out why the narcissist does what they do and accept the real reason is narcissistic personality disorder. For help leaving a toxic relationship, contact a mental health therapist in your area.

Read More: 10 Signs A Narcissist Is DONE With You… Finally You’re Free.


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