10 Surprising Things Narcissists Can’t Stand (Makes Them Miserable)


Number 1: Not Getting Enough Narcissistic Supply

If a narcissist is running low on supply, which means the attention that allows them to feel like they are really significant and exist, then an annoying emptiness and anxiety begin to bubble up from within them.

And, it is obvious. You’ll notice the glaring difference to when a narcissist is high as a KITE with enough narcissistic supply to feed his or her unsafe and demanding ego, and when he or she is not being fed supply how darkness and moodiness become apparent.

This is the most dangerous zone, where ” the narcissist you know ” can turn on you or must leave the scene, escaping to access much-needed supply out in the world in an attempt to escape the self-annihilating inner feelings of the defective and extremely unsafe Inner Being.

Number 2: People Not Believing They’re an Authority

Narcissists need people to believe that they’re talented, special, and knowledgeable.

They can suffer big time narcissistic injury if someone who has more knowledge and experience than they do, enters a conversation.

They may try to take over and not allow the other person to speak or try to change the subject.

If this is not possible, they will leave. Then, of course, dismantle this person’s credibility afterward.

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