10 Things That Make Narcissists SAD


 Number 3: Seeing other people succeed.

 Narcissists are used to being the center of attention and don’t like sharing the spotlight with anyone else. They are competitive and strive to be the best at whatever they do. They are especially sensitive to having their accomplishments overshadowed by others.

 Narcissists want to be the best and often demean others to feel better about themselves. Seeing someone else succeed can make them feel inadequate; it can be a painful reminder of how they have failed to accomplish as much.

 Number 4: Not getting enough attention and praise.

 Narcissists live for the praise and attention they get from others. They can’t stand it when other people get attention and recognition because that’s how they measure their worth. A narcissist needs attention and praise to feel good about themselves. They expect to be praised for every little thing they do, they want to be seen as the best, most intelligent, most attractive person in the room.

 Because of their very high standards for themselves, they think they deserve all the admiration in the world. A narcissist will say, “I need people to tell me how great I am all the time. If they don’t, it means they don’t love me.” When they’re not getting the attention or praise that they think they deserve, it can make them feel like their whole world is falling apart.

 Number 5: Not being able to control and manipulate others.

 Narcissistic people are constantly seeking power, control, and domination over others. They need to feel in control of every situation. When they can’t, they feel powerless, which they avoid at all costs. Narcissists are people who believe they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. They feel entitled to get their way all the time.

 When this doesn’t happen, it can be very disappointing because it means they aren’t as special or unique as they thought. They are never satisfied with just being able to have what they want in life. They also want to control how it happens and who makes it happen for them. Anything that threatens their ability to control others will be met with resistance.

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