10 Things To Expect When You See The Narcissist’s Real Side


 Number 1: Narcissists make sure you know who’s in charge at all times.

 Narcissists are often charming and charismatic, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily good leaders. They might have trouble taking orders from others and being on the receiving end of criticism. When you see the narcissist’s real side, they’ll make sure you know who’s in charge. They love to be in control and will do anything to maintain their position as the most crucial person in the room.

 This can mean keeping you on your toes with constant criticism and micromanaging, or putting you down in front of other people to ensure they know exactly what kind of person you are. Narcissists will be bossy and condescending; they’ll act like they know what’s best for everyone around them, even when it’s evident that they don’t have a clue.

 Number 2: They put you down for your looks personality and anything about you.

 When you start seeing the narcissist’s real side, you’ll get a taste of how he or she feels about you. The narcissist will use criticism and put Downs to demoralize you. They’ll make fun of your looks, your personality, and anything else about you, even if it’s something minor or not true. Narcissists don’t care about being nice; they care about making themselves look good by putting you down.

 Narcissists will Target everything that makes you feel good about yourself and tear it down until you feel like garbage. They use this common form of manipulation to keep their victims in line. This is because they are very insecure people who often have low self-esteem and feel they must put others down to feel better about themselves.

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