10 Ugly Truths About Narcissists

10 Ugly Truths About Narcissists


Sometimes, you can cling to mythical thinking, hoping against all odds that the controller in your life will see the light and be what you want. A major step in healing from the strains of a narcissist is to accept the ugly truth about what you are up against.

A primary thing that I wind up doing when I talk with individuals who engage on a regular basis with people who are deep into the narcissistic pattern is to try to get them anchored in reality. Many times we use what I refer to as mythical thinking, hoping something to be true when, in fact, it’s actually contrary to reality. We just have these ideals about how things might be and could be, and we’re just not willing to accept what’s right there in front of us.

So, part of learning how to have your emotional composure and well-being when you’re engaging with that person is to come to terms with what I refer to as the ugly truth. There are just some things about the whole narcissistic pattern that are just not very pleasant. Now, what I’ve done is I’ve jotted down ten of what I refer to as ugly truths that we have to come to terms with. As we do this, I hope it will give you a much fuller idea of what that entire narcissistic pattern is all about.

These are 10 common truths you’ll need to come to terms with:

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