10 Ways To Completely Destroy A Narcissist


Number 1: Ignore them completely.

 The best way to completely destroy a narcissist is to ignore them completely. They thrive on attention, so depriving them of it can devastate their self-esteem and self-confidence. This will be very difficult initially because narcissists are used to being the center of attention, but it means it will get easier with time. If they try to get your watch back by saying something rude or mean, just ignore them, eventually, they’ll give up and go away.

 No matter what they say or do, don’t react, don’t respond, and don’t acknowledge it. If narcissists try to get your attention, don’t give it to them, even if they somehow threaten you or harm you. The more you engage with them, the stronger their power over you becomes. If you want them gone for good, then all that matters is that they never hear from you again.

 Number 2: Do what makes you happy.

 Narcissists are all about themselves but they’re also obsessed with their image and the way they look. So if you’re spending time on your schedule doing things that make you happy and looking great while doing it, that’s going to drive them crazy. Go out dancing, eat some ice cream, watch some Netflix; do whatever puts a smile on your face and makes you feel good about yourself.

 When we’re focused on being happy for ourselves, we forget everyone else’s wants and needs. Narcissists work hard to maintain control over everything and everyone around them. So when someone goes against that plan by doing something on their terms, it can be devastating for them, and that’s why showing up as your best and happy self is such an effective way of destroying a narcissist. It shows them that they can’t control you anymore.

 Number 3: Create new and healthy relationships.

 To destroy a narcissist, you must create new relationships with people interested and how you feel and what you think, not just how they feel and believe. Take the time and space to get to know people who are good for you, and will be there for you when things are tough.

 You can’t rely on a narcissist for support because they’ll only ever be thinking about themselves. So instead, create your support system, and have a group of people who love and respect you and will be there for you no matter what happens.

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