10 Ways to Make Narcissists Lose Their Minds


 Number 9: Demand commitment from the narcissist.

 Although narcissists believe that they are entitled to all forms of loyalty, they are never loyal. Narcissists tend to be present with them with dreamy promises that are often too good to be true to lure people in. Because in the first place, the very objective of narcissists in making promises to other people is to exploit what they want and nothing else.

 Most narcissists are incapable of being true to their words. They hate the very idea of commitment; they cannot be held or convinced to settle down. They would show no remorse for breaking their promises. Hence, it pressures narcissists when they are being pushed to commit because they are terrible.

Recommended Book: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Number 10: Disconnect and cancel.

 If you find yourself bound with a narcissist, the best way to turn the tables around would be to disconnect and cancel. What to do? Disconnect communications. Cancel any appointments or meetings you have with the narcissist. Do not answer any call or text; totally live a life thinking that the narcissist in your life does not exist. Completely detaching yourself from the narcissist and entirely withdrawing it from your life are the ultimate ways to make narcissists lose their minds. It makes narcissists unable to control you, due to the narcissist’s self-absorbed nature would be highly inconceivable why one would want to disconnect and cancel them.

Narcissists would become so miserable that they would even beg and make earnest attempts to reconnect. Making narcissists lose their minds is possible; however, one must be very careful in doing so because it might lead to something, we least likely want to happen. It could trigger intense reactions we do not like such as narcissistic rage, or worse, violence and abuse.



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