10 Ways You Can Make Narcissists Suffer


 Number 4: Don’t let their criticism bother you.

 If you want to make a narcissist suffer, one of the best ways is to not let their criticisms bother you. Narcissists are known for being critical of others and enjoy making others feel bad about themselves. If you get upset when someone criticizes you, it might be hard to not take things personally when a narcissist is doing it. It’s easy for someone with low self-esteem to put down others to make themselves feel better about themselves.

 Instead of getting upset when someone says something mean to you, just take a deep breath and remind yourself that this person is not adding value to your life. They’re just projecting their insecurities onto you; never feel guilty for being better than them. If they criticize you, telling them what they think about you doesn’t matter.

 Number 5: Don’t take anything they say personally.

 Narcissists frequently act solely for their benefit, they want to win and be right all of the time. They want to get what they want; whether it means stepping on your feelings or making you feel bad along the way. Because narcissists are masters of manipulation, what they say to you is never about you; it’s about their emotions and needs.

Narcissists are excellent at making you believe everything revolves around you; even when this is false. They’re just trying to get under your skin and get you to react, so don’t give in. If the narcissist says something hurtful to you or tries to make you feel bad about yourself, simply let it go. Don’t let it bother you. It won’t help to let their words influence how you see yourself.

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