10 Weird Things Narcissists Do When No One Is Looking

Point 3: Trying to Contact Exes on Social Media.

Imagine you’re in a committed relationship with a narcissist, believing that their attention and affection are solely directed towards you. However, behind closed doors, they can’t resist the urge to reach out to their exes on social media. Why would they do such a thing? It’s not out of genuine concern or friendship. Instead, it’s a calculated move to maintain a backup source of narcissistic supply in case their current relationship falls apart.

Understanding that their intentions are never genuine is crucial to protecting your emotional well-being. Trust is a fragile commodity in relationships with narcissists, and it becomes even harder to rebuild when they continue to engage in behaviors that betray you. If you discover such communication, don’t dismiss your feelings. Address the situation, have open conversations, and evaluate whether the relationship is truly healthy for you.

Point 4: Visiting Websites of Dubious Merit.

When no one is looking, narcissists have a secret online world that would shock and devastate you. They spend hours on websites that involve activities they intentionally hide from you, such as infidelity or engaging in explicit online interactions. Discovering your partner’s involvement in these sites is not only a breach of trust but also a wake-up call to the depths of their deceptive behavior. It’s crucial to listen to your instincts and address any feelings of discomfort or suspicion. Your gut feeling is a powerful indicator that something isn’t right.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Remember, in a healthy relationship, both partners respect each other’s boundaries and engage in open and honest communication. If you find yourself in a situation where trust has been shattered due to the narcissist’s online activities, seek support and consider whether the relationship aligns with your values and emotional well-being.

Point 5: Turning Your Family and Friends Against You.

Prepare yourself for a chilling revelation. Narcissists engage in a calculated smear campaign to tarnish your reputation long before the relationship reaches its end. They skillfully plant seeds of doubt, aiming to isolate you from your support system while ensuring they are seen as the victim. This manipulation is designed to preserve their false image while leaving you questioning your own sanity. If you suddenly notice friends and family members distancing themselves or expressing doubts about your judgment, it’s crucial to be cautious.

Recognize that the narcissist has likely been spreading a web of lies, poisoning the perception others have of you. Now more than ever, it’s vital to surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who truly understand and uplift you. Trust your instincts, stand strong, and refuse to let the narcissist’s campaign of manipulation erode your self-worth.

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