11 Signs Someone Is Secretly Jealous of You


 11. They compliment you with an insult.

 Backhanded compliments are one of the best detectors of someone being secretly jealous of someone. This means that for one, they don’t really believe in any compliments that they can give you. This could stem from a place of anger, which could also mean that they are jealous of your happiness.

 If anyone says something that can be taken in another way that isn’t very kind, but seems kind to most onlookers, they’re trying to aggravate whoever they’re jealous of. They’re trying to gaslight them and make them feel insecure in their own abilities. If someone constantly compliments another with a backhanded insult, then it’s probably best that for one, they need to get away from them, and two, they’re most likely jealous and trying to hide it.

 10. They gloat at your mistakes.

 There are times when friends have the right to make fun of silly mistakes their friends make, and there are times when mistakes aren’t supposed to be made fun of. These are often the more serious mistakes or even life consequences such as getting fired or breaking up with a significant other. These aren’t things to make fun of, and it’s not supposed to be something that turns into a bragging right for another person. So, if something happens to someone that isn’t very joyful or worth celebrating, then someone shouldn’t be using it as something to brag about.

 If someone is using someone else’s misery as a bragging point, then they aren’t great people, for one. Second, they’re probably trying to focus on the downfalls of the person they’re jealous of to make themselves feel better. If you focus on the downfalls and unlucky moments of the people you envy, then it can give a small confidence boost to those who are jealous.

 In their heads, it’s like: “If they can mess up, then maybe they aren’t as good as I thought.” So basically, if someone continues to remind a person of their misdeeds in any event, there’s a good chance they’re jealous of the person they’re talking to.

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