11 Signs You Are Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted


9. You’re Suddenly Cynical and Jaded.

 If someone is suddenly seeing nothing but the bad in the world when they used to at least see the good it can be a sign of emotional and mental exhaustion. It does take effort to see the good in life, and exhaustion can hinder such things. If someone is suddenly being grumpy, cynical, and unfun to be around in general, then this is a sign that they’re starting to feel exhausted.

 Being cynical and rude is a normal personality trait, sure, but if someone who isn’t like that is suddenly cursing at kittens and relating to the Grinch, it may be time to take a break and relax. 8. You’re Self-Medicating.

 S*x, drugs, and rock and roll won’t fix every problem. It’s nice and fun, sure, but it does not cure all ailments. However, if someone finds themselves constantly sad, depressed, and looking to escape, it would make sense for them to self-medicate. Whether that would be through, drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, binge eating, or even shopping; self-medicating to feel better is another sign of emotional and mental exhaustion.

 These people who self-medicate are doing whatever they can to make themselves feel better and ensure that they will be okay just to get to the next day. Coping mechanisms are okay, sure, but when they become what someone solely relies on, then it becomes an issue. Especially if that person is seeking out this self-medicating behavior and is always feeling low like this. Seeking our self-medication is another sign of mental and emotional exhaustion and should be treated as such.

 7. You Can’t Focus or Concentrate.

 Focusing and concentrating takes a lot of energy. If someone is exhausted emotionally and mentally, then focusing and concentrating on even the tiniest task is something that can prove difficult. When doing a simple task or focusing on even a TV show plot becomes tedious, it may be time to take a break.

 Focusing and concentrating is a difficult task once someone is awake and aware, so when someone finds themselves exhausted, it can be difficult to act this way. If someone can do this, it would be best for them to step back from whatever they’ve been trying to do and focus on not focusing, or focus on just taking a step back and making sure that they’re getting what they need.

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