12 Early Warning Signs A Relationship Won’t Last


9. You ignore the red flags.

You think, Nah, that’s a bit of a boundary kicker or that’s a bit of a red flag, but you know what I’ll ignore it for now. It could be you are ignoring it because you do not want to give up on this person. You could be slightly codependent and not realize your own self-worth or you might think, I have to accept this red flag because I’m not going to find someone as amazing as my current partner, and that is not true.

 There are thousands, millions, hundreds of people in the world right now and there are loads of people out there for you. So if you come across a red flag, do not ignore it. Think about how important that is and then think, can I put up with that, or am I willing to just walk away and find someone better that doesn’t have the red flag.

10. They are still in love with an ex.

Yes, this is very common. At the start of every new relationship, we can’t help but think about the previous one and we kind of compare it, it’s completely natural. So it might be a case you start dating someone and notice you have dreams about your ex-partner. That’s just the thing that happens. I promise you, it happens to all of us.

 However, there are traits for you to figure out if your current partner is still madly in love with their ex. And this could be they talk about their ex a lot enough where it crosses your mind where you think, hang on a minute, they talk about their ex an awful lot.

 They bring up their ex in lots of conversations. They have pictures of the ex on their phone, hidden on their computer and they possibly even still have things of their exes in their apartment. It could be clothing that they left, it could be perfume, it could be shoes, hats whatever it may be, it’s unhealthy and it’s a sign that they cannot prioritize you.

 So get out while you can.

11. You haven’t had any conflicts.

Yes, you might be thinking, hang on, am I being correct here? And I sure am my friend. It’s good to have arguments because that’s the moment when we are very raw with each other that we really get to understand that other person.

For example, if you have an argument and your partner says horrible things about you, you realize they are very toxic, they can’t handle stress, and therefore you shouldn’t be dating someone like that. But, and in these moments when you have those arguments where you talk about things you are not happy with, and that is when the compromises start to happen. You learn more about your partner when you have those clashes and you start to work things out.

 If you’ve noticed you have not had any conflicts at the start of your relationship, give it about one to eight months and you’ve not had any conflicts at all, well, this is a sign the relationship will not last because you are both bottling up things that you should say, which means, you don’t have that emotional maturity for a long-term relationship.

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