12 Signs You’ve Met a Sociopath But Just Don’t Know It


 4. They Are Irresponsible and Unreliable.

 Sociopaths are notoriously flaky, unreliable people. This contributes to their employment instability and lack of friends. Sociopaths often view themselves as being the most important focus. Thus, they’ll brush off anything that might get in the way of doing what they want. This can harm them, especially if it’s important medical appointments or court dates.

 However, it can also be very hurtful to the people who love them. If you feel like you can’t rely on someone while you feel like you’re always there for them, it’s a sign they’re likely a sociopath.

 3. They are aggressive.

 Sociopaths are often both verbally and physically aggressive. They have a short fuse and can be very irritable, especially if they feel someone has wronged them. Due to their impulsive nature, plus their disregard for safety and morals, this makes sociopaths dangerous. Sometimes, they’ll use this aggression as a way to make you fear them, so it’s easier to dominate and control you.

 Regardless, aggression is an essential trait of sociopathy, and if someone is excessively aggressive, you must tread with caution.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men – by Lundy Bancroft

 2. You Catch Them Lying All The Time.

 Sociopaths are incredibly good liars, and often do it compulsively. Sometimes, they lie in order to evade consequences, but other times, they’ll lie for the sake of appearing more interesting, successful, or to gain sympathy.

 Even if the sociopath is caught in a lie, they’ll often still deny it or make up a new web of lies to explain it. If someone you know seems to lie about everything, keep your guard up.

 1. They Seek Revenge.

 Sociopaths often get preoccupied with ideas of revenge, Frequently, even acting them out, they hate being wronged or undermined, and will do insane, unfathomable things to ensure the person who wronged them pays for what they did. They will hold grudges against people. The person they want revenge against may not even be aware that the sociopath was even offended, but meanwhile, the sociopath is plotting their revenge.

 This can involve extreme cases like murder for revenge or they might cheat on their spouse as a way of getting revenge rather than merely ending a relationship. Regardless, the sociopath will feel completely justified in their revenge. If any of these tips remind you of someone you know, you might have a sociopath in your life.

 We hope these tips helped you identify any hidden sociopaths in your life. If you found these tips beneficial, don’t forget to share wherever you can.

Read More: 5 Reasons Why You Attract Toxic People.


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