12 Signs You’ve Met a Sociopath But Just Don’t Know It


 7. They Play The Victim.

 Sociopaths often play the victim to gain sympathy from you. They might do this as a way of shifting blame when someone confronts them, or they might do it unprompted. A sociopath might fabricate or embellish a story from their past where they were wrongly taken advantage of, abused, or experienced a tragedy of some sort.

 Whatever it is, they were not at fault. However, it is often the opposite that is true. Regardless, sociopaths love gaining sympathy from people around them. If you feel like someone is repeatedly trying to gain sympathy from others by claiming to be a victim, especially if they take no accountability themselves, they might be a sociopath.

 6. They Lack Empathy, Though They Can Fake It Like A Hollywood Actor.

 Sociopaths are skilled actors; this makes it difficult to determine whether their empathy is genuine or not. A good way to determine if someone is truly a good empathetic person and not just faking it, pay attention to their actions and not their words. Maybe you come to them opening up a vulnerable side of you, perhaps about a traumatic event in your life. When at the moment, they might console you, express empathy, and let you know that you’re right for feeling that way. They’ll say they’ll support you through whatever you need.

A Book: Psychopath Free: Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People.

 The next week, however, they may patronize you for your vulnerabilities and act callously like the interaction never happened. If you don’t have a close enough relationship where you would be vulnerable with them, pay attention to how they speak about themselves. If they claim to be an empathetic and altruistic individual, yet they spend most of their time speaking callously about others, their actions aren’t matching their words. If you notice this, they could be a sociopath.

 5. They Have a Complete Disregard For Right and Wrong.

 Sociopaths do not have a conscience and do things for their own personal gain. Because of this, they don’t care about laws, social norms, or morals. Sociopaths might steal or commit fraud to gain material possessions, or they may cheat on their significant others simply because they want sex, not caring about their loved one’s emotions.

 Sociopaths will completely disregard right and wrong for their own benefit. If you know someone like this, they might be a sociopath.

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