15 Human Foods That Could HARM Your Dog (MUST KNOW!)


 5. Garlic.

 Oh, how we love to add garlic to our dishes but make sure that you put an X mark on it for your dog’s food list. Garlic contains thiosulfate, which is toxic to dogs. The substance can build up in their bloodstream damaging your dog’s red blood cells and potentially leading to anemia. Make sure to keep an eye out for your dog not to nibble on the garlic; whether it is raw, powdered, cooked, or dehydrated.

6. Grapes and raisins.

 Although some fruits are a great choice for healthy snacks for your dogs, grapes, and raisins are not one of them. It is still unclear why these sweet snacks can harm your dog’s health, but they can cause rapid kidney failure possibly resulting in death. Even when your dog eats just a small portion, it can make your fur baby sick. It can cause clinical signs of poisoning, including vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased thirst, decreased urine production; weakness; and shaking. So, do your dog a favor and make sure that the grapes or raisins are out of their reach.

7. Milk and other dairy products.

 It may be tempting to share your milk with your dog as we may think it makes them healthier, but milk and other dairy products are a No-No. Most dogs are lactose intolerant or have difficulty digesting it. It will potentially cause them discomfort or gastrointestinal issues. A lot of dairy products also contain high levels of fat and sugar that can result in health issues such as pancreatitis for some dogs, so best to keep them away from it altogether.

8. Macadamia nuts.

 For us humans, macadamia nuts can be an excellent source of fiber and minerals, but did you know that it could cause harmful effects on your Pooch? Yep, when a dog ingests just six nuts, it will irritate its stomach, causing weakness, muscle Tremors, vomiting, and nausea. Make sure to call your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has eaten a dangerous amount of macadamia nuts.

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