4 Reasons Why Someone Would Give A Narcissist A Second Chance


1. Fear of Being Alone.

The first reason why someone would give a Narcissist a second chance would be as a result of Fear. It could be they are afraid of not finding someone else to be with or the fear of being alone. Some people have told me this directly, where they know they are getting old and they don’t want to be alone so they are afraid of letting go of this toxic individual. Their fear of being alone keeps them bound in these toxic relationships to their own hurt.

What needs to happen in a situation like this is that you need to re-evaluate yourself and find out where this fear is coming from, and if it’s even a legitimate fear to have. But also, we need to remember that certain doors need to close for others to open. So, when you are desperately holding on to something or someone that is not good for you, you can end up missing out on someone or something better.

 And sometimes, it is your own self you are missing out on. Because you are so busy wanting someone to love you when you don’t even love yourself enough to realize you deserve better. You need to find peace and love within first, in order to eradicate that fear.

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