7 Ways your Parents Raised you Wrong!

7 Ways your Parents Raised you Wrong!


We live in an increasingly stressful world, which is why it has never been more important to foster emotional and mental resiliency in our children.

Not only are mentally strong kids better prepared to tackle future problems on their own, but studies have found that they’re also more likely to be engaged in school and in their future jobs.

Right and wrong are certainly subjective terms, especially in the world of parenting, even the subject of physically punishing your child, like spanking, has been debated back and forth for decades. If you want the expert’s opinion, they say it’s wrong. And by the experts I mean, the American Academy of Pediatrics.

As children grow up and start to experience the world on their own, they understand why their parents might have harsh rules. But you shouldn’t stop and simply acknowledge where your parents may have gone wrong. If any of these examples in this article sound like your parents, you might want to reach out to a therapist and address how these parenting approaches might have affected your life.

Here are the top 7 Ways your Parents Raised you Wrong!

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