7 Weird Phone Habits of A Narcissist

1. They take their phone everywhere.

A narcissist has to be in control of the situation. Therefore, they have to be in control of what is going on and who has access to the information related to them. Everything they do online is on the phone. So if they place it anywhere without their presence near it, they would be sorted out. You would know what they’re up to. You might search their phone and know exactly what they are doing. So, they take this thing to every place they go. It doesn’t matter where they are, who they are with, or what they are doing; their phone would be there with them. That is a given.

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They could be in the shower taking the shower, but they would place the phone on the shelf. They would be in the washroom using the toilet, and it would still be with them. They would be spending hours there because that is the place where they do stuff. They would be talking with someone, but their constant focus would be on the phone – what is popping up on their phone or if they need to turn it upside down or if they need to put it in the pocket. They are addicted to their phone. The matter of fact is that this thing is not a device for them; it is their extension because it is the source of supply for them. It is the point where they get in touch with the other parts of the world, with people quite distant, and get supply from them without having to put in a lot of effort. So, that is what they do with the phone – they carry it with them everywhere they go.

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