8 Terrible Things Narcissists Always Do To Their Spouses

 Number 1: Narcissists are the most likely to lie to their spouses.

 The women in their lives are often the targets of the constant lying that characterizes narcissistic Behavior. They’ll make up an excuse like an unscheduled meeting with a client or the necessity to work late. In addition, they will embellish minor facts, such as their wealth or the cost of a purchase.

Related: 10 Secrets Narcissists Don’t Want You To Know.

Narcissists would tell any falsehood to boost their own self-esteem. They are so self-centered that they would even lie to their wives if it meant getting what they wanted. To get what they want, they’ll do anything. Unfortunately, narcissists are well known for their tendency to break their word. They will apologize, but then, immediately revert back to their previous Behavior.

 Number 2: Isolating their spouses is a common tactic to exert power and dominance.

 This is a common tactic utilized by narcissists in romantic relationships. They will go to Great Lengths to cut their wives off from their support Networks. As a result, narcissists are able to maintain control over their wives since they know their wives have nowhere else to turn but to them. He wants his wife to feel trapped and helpless since that serves his own needs as a narcissist.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 Narcissists frequently socially isolate their Partners, leaving them vulnerable with no one to turn to for support. They were in a position to demand that their wives stay at home to care for their children full-time because of this. They will also try to empty their wife’s bank accounts to make it harder for them to leave without their cooperation. Consequently, his wife’s autonomy and freedom of choice are moot.

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