8 Things Narcissists Fear Most & Secretly Don’t Want You to Know


3. The narcissist fears rejection.

 They fear rejection like everyone else, but for narcissists, it’s different. Since they desperately require the narcissistic supply of their partners and everyone else’s admiration, they feel almost like they’re starving if they don’t get it. It’s a very important source of supply like blood to a vampire. They’re a deeply hidden sense of inferiority, and their secret sense of being unlovable drives them towards superficial attention and perceived acceptance from everyone around them.

 Rejection would only highlight their need, their desperate need for supply. It would remind them that they are not the person they pretend to be and that they are not infected lovable at all. Despite the fact that narcissists obsessively attempt to make themselves appear untouchable, they secretly fear rejection when it comes to love, job seeking, or even social life. If a narcissist is rejected, they will display narcissistic rage because, after all, you have triggered one of their worst fears by rejecting them.

4. Narcissists fear accurate criticism.

If you’ve spent any amount of time with a narcissist, then you know exactly how blunt they can be and how painfully they will criticize you for everything. From your appearance to your thoughts, your feelings, your ethics, and even your core values. It’s true that narcissists are all about dishing out criticism, but we all know they’re not so good at accepting it, constructive or otherwise.

 If you’ve ever criticized a narcissist, chances are you’ve dealt with narcissistic rage and/or narcissistic injury, which is their natural response to criticism. First, they get angry, then they display narcissistic injury. This is followed by or in conjunction with a narcissistic flip where they turn your criticism around and find something to create sighs for instead. Then they’ll attack you, they’ll deflect your criticism, and they’ll find something to cut you down a few notches.

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