8 Ways Narcissists Spy On You


 Number 7: Through the mail.

 If you have a mailbox that requires a key, your partner may try to get access or steal your mail. It can be done by installing a hidden camera inside the box or placing a lock on your door that makes it easy for them to open. There are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening. First, get a lock that requires a key on both sides, so both can unlock it with the other knowing. Second, place your mail in another location where they cannot access it. Finally, ensure you have a hidden camera in your mailbox to see what they’re doing. This way, if they try to steal your mail or open it without permission, you will have the evidence on video and can take action.

Recommended: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

 Number 8: Through the classic stalker ways.

 If your partner has NPD, they may also be a classic stalker, which means that they will follow you around and watch your activities closely but doesn’t necessarily want to harm you physically. However, narcissists may lash out with threats or violence if they see something that makes them angry or jealous. They may also be very jealous of anyone who might get close to you, as this can take attention away from them. The way the stalker thinks is that they have to be in control at all times and will do whatever it takes to make sure this happens. It is challenging, but it’s important to remember that it is not your fault. You cannot control what another person does or when they do it, so there is no point in blaming yourself for their behavior.

For More: 5 Sadistic Things Narcissists Find Entertaining.

 Stalking can be a very frightening experience, but there are things you can do to help protect yourself. If you are getting stalked, you must tell someone about it immediately. It could be a friend or family member who lives nearby or someone at school or work who knows what is happening. You must remember that you don’t have to be alone in dealing with these situations with your narcissistic partner. Some people are more than willing to protect you from them: your family, friends, and even the authorities. You just have to speak out and tell them about the abuse that the narcissists have brought upon you.

Read More: 5 Sadistic Things Narcissists Find Entertaining.


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