9 Types of People Narcissists Run Away From


Number 1: Someone who has a strong personality.

 Narcissists are in a constant state of competition with everyone and everything. They have to be the center of attention, and they have to be the best at everything, so when someone with a strong personality comes along, it can threaten the narcissist’s ego. Narcissists are all about themselves, so it makes sense that they’d avoid someone with a strong personality.

 People with strong personalities are less likely to manipulate and control. Most of the time, they would appear Superior to others and narcissists hate that; it makes them feel small and insignificant in comparison. People with strong personalities are also more likely to call out any narcissistic tendencies in the narcissist’s behavior, which can be difficult for a narcissist to handle.

 Number 2: Someone who has firm boundaries.

 Narcissists tend to run away from people who have firm boundaries. They can’t stand to be told no in everything, they’re looking for someone to let them do whatever they want, having them control their relationship. A person with healthy boundaries knows what they want and will set limits on their behavior. They won’t let a narcissist take advantage of them or treat them poorly.

 Narcissists have fears of being challenged and pushed back, so if someone refuses them something, even something small, it can be highly upsetting for them. The narcissist will perceive this type of person as threatening their control. Therefore, they’ll do whatever it takes to avoid them. And if you want to know how to set boundaries with a narcissist, read this article here.

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