9 Types of People Narcissists Run Away From


 Number 3: Someone who has self-esteem and confidence.

 Narcissists run away from people who have self-esteem and confidence. These people are comfortable in their skin and are not afraid to show it. They know what they want from life and are not afraid to go after it. These types of people are not needy and they don’t need someone else to validate the existence of their self-worth.

Narcissists hate this because it makes them feel insecure about everything in their life. Narcissists are not confident people, they are constantly worried about being exposed as frauds or failures, so they will do everything they can to avoid people with high self-esteem and confidence. Narcissists see these traits as potentially dangerous to their fragile sense of self. We talked in this article about the 6 Signs You Have Low Self-Esteem, check it out.

 Number 4: Someone who never puts up with their nonsense or abuse.

 A narcissist will run away from someone who never puts up with their nonsense or abuse. Narcissists are often very manipulative and use a variety of tactics to get what they want. They’ll Gaslight you into believing that your feelings don’t matter because they’re wrong, stupid, or just plain wrong. They’ll tell you that your beliefs are flawed and they will convince you that no one else cares about problems like they do, so they can use those problems against you later on when things get tough. Narcissists might even resort to physical violence if none of these tactics work.

 Narcissists are so used to being able to control others that they can’t handle someone who won’t give in to all of their demands. If you’re the type who makes it clear that you won’t put up with the narcissist scrap, then you’re probably safe from their advances. It’s important to realize that they will take advantage of you if you let them, and once they’ve used you, they’ll move on to someone else.

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