9 Types of People Narcissists Run Away From


 Number 5: Someone who never chases after them.

 Narcissists are people who are highly self-centered and self-interested. They want to be the center of attention and for everyone to come running when they call. Narcissists are always looking for someone who can make them feel better about themselves and they need constant validation and reassurance that they’re essential and wanted.

Narcissists have difficulty being attracted to someone not interested in attempting to impress or show off. They tend to run away from people who never chase after them, so if you’re someone who never chases a narcissist, they’ll start to feel like you don’t care about them, which can make them feel rejected, and rejection is something they don’t handle well at all.

 Number 6: Someone who takes care of themselves.

 When a narcissist feels threatened by someone, they typically run away from that person. However, there are specific types of people that narcissists tend to avoid more than others; this includes people who take care of themselves and their own needs. Narcissists often have a hard time seeing how others can care for themselves. They may think that other people are only capable of caring for them and not the other way around.

 This means that narcissistic people can have trouble accepting help from others or even understanding why someone would want to help them out. Because narcissists don’t see the value in taking care of themselves, they may find it difficult to accept love and affection from others because they think they deserve it more than anyone else does.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Number 7: Someone that could challenge them in any way.

 Narcissists are deeply insecure about their self-image and sense of self; they feel threatened when they meet someone who can challenge them. Narcissists might even react with anger or hostility towards that person. As a result, they tend to avoid people who could be challenging in any way. Narcissists want to feel like they’re the most intelligent and influential person in the room.

 They also tend to be attracted to less bright and less accomplished people because it makes them feel better about their intelligence and achievements. Narcissists also avoid people with high levels of emotional intelligence because these types of people can see through their false self-image and sense of superiority.

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