Do You Know The Early Signs Of an Eating Disorder?

Do You Know The Early Signs Of an Eating Disorder?


Today, we’re gonna talk about eating disorders, or more specifically, what are the early signs of an eating disorder are.

There have been many online conversations about disordered eating, versus eating disorders, and questions about whether or not we’re sick enough to get help, and just so many other things like this. And that’s why I thought it could be helpful to go over some of what I consider to be the most common early signs of an eating disorder.

 And if you have any of these, yes, you are sick enough for treatment. Yes, you are deserving of care. In fact, it doesn’t matter how sick we feel. We are all deserving of care and can benefit from therapy. So reach out and speak up because it can and will get better.

Here are the top 6 early signs of an eating disorder:

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