How to End a Relationship with a Narcissist (9 Steps)

How to End a Relationship with a Narcissist (9 Steps)


Amidst the hardest things common to humans, one thing that stands out is leaving a narcissistic relationship. This can be draining to one mental and emotional health. A Narcissist is an individual that has a Narcissistic personality disorder, which connotes this person has a personality trait of attention-seeking, excessively looking unto others for their self-esteem regulation, excess pride in oneself, impaired empathy meaningless relationships.

 The worst part of these traits is that they are not controlled or subdued through the use of drugs or individual development; these traits are stable over time. A Narcissist would always want to receive positive feedback about themselves, manipulating others just to coerce self-admiration from them. They will always reflect a type of habitual interpersonal self-esteem regulation.

Narcissists solely depend on the people they drain financially, psychologically, and emotionally. They always need someone to manipulate to fulfill their urge and continue the circle of displaying themselves as better, exceptional, smarter, and stronger than any other person. One factor that hinges people from breaking free is, that a narcissist will not want to leave the relationship, especially if they aren’t done with abusing you emotionally and psychologically.

Already you would be exhausted from the continuous battles, the love bombing, and manipulation that ending the narcissistic relationship becomes very difficult. Yet, it is still possible even though it doesn’t seem like it, as far as you believe in yourself and mount firm boundaries and tell yourself the reason you need to walk away.

 If you have been searching for a way to leave the abusive, narcissistic relationship, you are in luck. I will walk you through the steps you can follow to make sure you get out of a narcissistic relationship.

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