How to End a Relationship with a Narcissist (9 Steps)


4. Have Spare cash with you.

 Leaving a narcissist means you would be alone fending for yourself. You need to make sure you can fend for yourself, at least before you get something done to gain a steady income. Before leaving, make sure to open up an account with the bank, this will help store some cash that will be needed. You need to have some money of your own, so you won’t be tempted or seduced to come back to them.

 And if you are going to open an account and store up money, it would have to be done in secret, especially if they are financial abusers, because if they find out, they will cut off all finances that flow to you, which will worsen the already bad situation.

5. Report to a professional what has happened to you.

 Seeking professional help is also a bold step. Help from doctors has been underrated so much. Meanwhile, it could be of so much benefit. Some people feel meeting with doctors can blow up the situation, thereby endangering them more than before. But these steps are quite important. Even meeting with the police can be of major help, but if you don’t want to involve the legal system, you can then report to your doctor.

When about to tell your doctor or the police about the narcissistic relationship, make sure to first say this first sentence: “I need your help, I’m in an abusive/narcissistic relationship, and I was advised to talk to my doctor”. Even if your doctor isn’t trained in domestic violence or abusive relationship, they have a glimpse of what to do, or better still, you can be referred to a specialist.

You need to understand that seeking help is not a taboo or a sign of weakness. It’s a bold step to your freedom that shows how courageous you are. And when the case is recorded, it helps build a case in the future and stands as evidence for you.

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