How to Heal from CPTSD Caused by Narcissistic Abuse


 6. Pick yourself back.

 This is the point at which you begin to get up off the floor. After the narcissist depletes your vitality for so long, it begins to return. Being a victim of narcissistic abuse consumes a lot of your time and attention. You may feel enraged at the narcissist and even at yourself for allowing the abuse to continue for so long. You may revert to phase one if you do not receive adequate assistance and healing. While support groups on public social networking sites can be helpful in the beginning, they are not a reliable source of assistance and can actually set you back in your recovery.

 5. Focus on yourself.

 You can’t change anyone else but yourself, so don’t waste your time trying. Don’t squander another minute of your life attempting to persuade someone else to see, care for, validate or love you more. Instead, learn to cope with the disappointment that comes with being in such a one-sided and hurtful relationship. Make sure you don’t reject yourself, even if your lover is rejecting you.

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