Never Accept This From A Narcissist | Spot and Eliminate

Never Accept This From A Narcissist | Spot and Eliminate


Let’s talk about something that the narcissist is hoping you don’t realize, but once you do, don’t accept it, don’t tolerate it. I will also be exposing the tactics they use to try and wriggle out of it when you call them out.

 So today’s article will also be covering how to avoid being manipulated, so please read to the end.

 As I always say, narcissists are everywhere. You can go no contact from a couple but there will always be another one. I say this because when I do an article about how to deal with narcissists, I get the odd comment where someone is like: “But you are supposed to have gone no contact, so how does this apply?”

A Book: Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited– by Sam Vaknin.

 First of all, not everyone can go no contact. For example, if children are involved where they share custody, no contact is not an option. And even if you managed to escape one narcissist, you would be naive in thinking that there are no more around you.

 What I’m going to talk about is something you should not accept from anyone, not just narcissists, but narcissists and other toxic people are guilty of this.

So, What You Should Never Accept From A Narcissist?

Continue reading on the next page


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