These 10 Words Will Destroy The Narcissist


 8. I Didn’t Receive Your Message.

 Are you in a relationship with a narcissist right now? Can you count how many times he or she has been monitoring your every move? You know that narcissists are obsessed with you going somewhere else and not on their side. But for us, being empaths, tend to tolerate their doing. Every call, every message, chat; they want us to respond right away. It’s tiring to see that we have someone monitoring our moves.

 But get this, have you ever said once to your narcissistic partner the words, “I Didn’t Receive Your Message” If you did, what did your partner say? Or what reaction did they express? These words are one of the triggers for them to explode or break down. This will make them believe that you are not loyal to them. We might as well say it, right? This is the best bet for you to get out of the toxic relationship.

Read More: 4 Things a Narcissist NEVER Gets Over.

 7. You Never Get Things Right.

 How many times were you told the phrase, “You’re Never Right”? How do you feel when they told you those words? Are you used to it? You should be because their words were never right from the beginning. How about you tell them the phrase, and see what their reaction may be? Words also have the power to hurt or uplift a person. For narcissists, the effects will be doubled or even ten times more powerful. You noticed it right?

 When a narcissist is being told they are not right, the major reaction they show is that they would freak out. After that, they would stay quiet until they wouldn’t be able to show their faces to the public. Have you tried to say this phrase for your narcissistic partner?

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