These Are 8 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

Number 3: The spirit of control.

Have you ever felt like someone was trying to control every aspect of your life? It can be suffocating, right? Well, that’s what we call the spirit of control. These individuals strongly desire to dominate and manipulate others for their own benefit. And guess who’s really good at this game? Narcissists. They’re experts at exploiting vulnerable people and using their emotions to gain control. But here’s the thing, you can break free from their grip by relying on God’s strength and wisdom. These controlling people are all about their own interests. They’ll do whatever it takes to manipulate others mentally and emotionally. They’re masters at controlling the narrative and their image.

Narcissists often target those who are angry, bitter or have experienced trauma because it’s easier to manipulate their emotions. Some people even call this spirit the Jezebel spirit. So remember, there’s a way out of their control. Trust in n a higher power and reclaim your freedom.

Read More: 5 Sadistic Things Narcissists Find Entertaining.

Number 4: The Spirit of Pride.

You know those people who think they’re superior to everyone else? Yeah, it’s all about their pride. And let me tell you, it stems from their selfishness. Narcissists just can’t help but show off and demand things to be their way. Pride is at the very core of their personality. You can spot their arrogance, stubbornness, self-righteousness, and constant boasting. They’re always trying to make themselves look better and act entitled. And to make matters worse, narcissists love playing the victim, which feeds their arrogance and creates a toxic environment where others feel small and insignificant. But here’s the kicker: God values humility above all else. So remember, staying humble is key, my friend.

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