These Are 8 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

Number 1: The spirit of Envy.

Envy is a bitter dissatisfaction with someone else’s possessions. The scary part is that envy can quickly consume us if we allow it. It often leads to negative feelings, especially in narcissists. This is because narcissists always feel entitled to what they don’t have. Even scarier is that many negative behaviors and emotions, like murder, revenge, anger, and competition, stem from the spirit of envy. These traits are commonly seen in narcissists, forming the basis of their drive and motivations in life. It’s difficult to believe that they can genuinely care for others. Recognizing this dynamic is crucial as we strive to protect our mental and emotional well-being. We must remember that spiritual matters greatly impact our overall health.

Related: 10 Weaknesses All Narcissists Have.

Number 2: The spirit of Witchcraft.

Did you know that narcissists can have a surprising connection to witchcraft? It might not be what you expect, considering they don’t ride broomsticks or play with voodoo. But don’t be fooled by their pleasing appearance. Narcissists are masters of manipulation and can even incite rebellion and witchcraft. It’s like that Bible scripture that compares rebellion to divination and arrogance. Some people even call it the Jezebel spirit. So the next time you encounter a cunning and rebellious person, remember the link between narcissism and the spirit of witchcraft. It’s something you want to pay attention to.

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