This Happens When The Narcissist Is Finished With You


3. Criticise You.

Third on the list is critiques; Lots of negative criticisms and blaming you for everything. This can be done directly to you or behind your back. But during this time, nothing you say or do will be right or good enough. The Narcissist is not impressed with you and they no longer feel the need to impress you. So, everything you say and do will be met with hostility.

There will also be lots of pointless arguments as the Narcissist will take offense to every little thing. They are in super defensive mode. Because in the mind of the Narcissist, if you are not feeding their ego or they cannot control you, they view you as someone who just needs to be eliminated and will treat you as such.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

4. Give Degrading Looks.

 Added to this will be lots of nasty looks. The Narcissist will look at you as if you are their number one enemy. There will be no love or twinkling charm in their eyes. Instead, there will be only contempt, hatred, or disgust. Because you no longer do anything for them, they will show you their true face and it will not be pretty.

5. Unfriendly Disposition.

The fifth thing is that the Narcissist will not smile or laugh with you. The most you will get is that devilish smirk whenever they manage to crush your spirit. Narcissists like to make people responsible for their happiness, and when they have concluded that you are not that person, the only thing that will please them is breaking you completely.

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