
 Now that said, once they realize they can no longer control you, they will, as I said, work overtime to control how others see you, what others think of you, and how others feel about you. As the old saying goes: “Be careful what you hear about others, you might be hearing it from the problem.” So never underestimate a narcissist in this regard. They’ll go as far as it takes. They’ll be willing to say whatever it takes, whatever narrative they believe serves their own personal agenda at the moment. And their agenda might very well be to simply turn everyone you know against you.

 So, be prepared for that, and stay clear within yourself with regard to what you can and cannot control, while simultaneously exercising extreme self-care. Do not spend much time or energy trying to convince anyone of your truth, your experience, or your value. Here’s the thing, People who really know you, people who genuinely love you, care about you, should be onto this nonsense and pretty quickly. And if they aren’t, if they’re choosing to believe the negative narrative, choosing to be the narcissist’s enabling little minions, we have to get ourselves to a place where we’re okay regardless.

Read More: 9 Types of People Narcissists Run Away From.

 And I’m not saying this is necessarily easy or that it’s going to be pain-free, but this is one of the amazing side effects of actually doing our own personal healing and recovery work. We become bulletproof in the face of this nonsense, able to rise above whatever lies or smear campaigns may be going on. And ultimately, believe it or not, we can become pretty unaffected in the face of the narcissist’s antics. And if you’re not there yet, that’s okay. Naturally, it hurts to have people we know and love believe things that aren’t true about us.

But I promise you, silence can and will be your best friend in this scenario. The truth is, the smear campaign is all the narcissist has left once you go silent on them. And it’s all they’ve got to cling to for some false sense of power and control over you and the situation. And narcissists are desperate for power and control. So needless to say, no lie is too great, no tale is too tall, and they’ll say whatever it takes. So when you go silent, be prepared to be smeared. It’s what they do. You can pretty much count on it. And we have no control over that. If you want to know more about Strategies to deal with a SMEAR CAMPAIGN, read this article here.

So focus on what you can control, and go take better care of yourself so you can end up, ultimately, finding yourself in a much better and much happier place. Learn to rest in the knowledge that the people who genuinely love us, care about us, and are worth having in our life, in our circle, they’re at the very least going to give us the benefit of the doubt, if not the benefit of a conversation. They’ll want to hear your side of the story. And as for those who are so easily swayed by the destructive narcissist in their toxic gossip, anyone who is so easily swayed by all that nonsense, you don’t want them in your life anyway. Good riddance. Grieve the losses and take care of yourself. The truth is, you deserve better. Much better.

Read More: 3 Psychological Tricks to Command Narcissists’ Respect Instantly.


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