What Happens When You Reject a Narcissist

3. They will ridicule… and more.

They’re going to go into the ridicule mode and more. They can taunt you; they can be real sarcastic in the way that they engage with you. You’ll certainly hear lots of accusations. If you imply, ‘I find you to be defective,’ they’re going to come back with a dozen more defections that they see in you. And they’re just going to come at you with guns blazing, so to speak. They’ll unload heavy criticism on you. Sometimes you’ll be the object of text bombing, all sorts of complaints, and just dredging up things from the past. They simply can’t deal with it.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.
4. Their ears are turned off.

Basically, we can say another thought is their ears are turned off when you let it be known this is not working. It’s like they have no ability to hear you. Rather than saying, ‘This gives me some things I need to pay attention to. Tell me more,’ they won’t think that way in a million years. They’re going to illustrate the shallowness of any previous commitment or attachment that they may have had with you. When you let it be known to that narcissist, ‘I’m not doing this anymore,’ they can just turn it off just like that. It’s like, ‘Whoa! So, now that I’ve let you know that this isn’t working, it’s as though I’m just a complete nobody to that person. And you’ll be despised, and it’s amazing how quickly they can go from being somebody that says, ‘Okay, you and I are on the same team,’ to ‘I hate your guts, and don’t you ever come into my place ever again.’ And they can do that very quickly; they can turn off any kind of loyalty that might have been there with you.

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