What The Narcissist Is Doing When You Are Not Around


5. To Give All Their Time to The New Supply.

The final reason can be that the Narcissist needs more than a break and they are prepping you for a discard. I refer to it as a soft discard where they leave you in limbo, waiting for them to come back around. Because they usually give no clue that it is because they want to be with someone else, instead, they make it seem like they may need to work on themselves or they are unsure about their life, they are feeling depressed, or whatever other excuse they think you will accept.

 Before I end, I want to speak about Narcissistic Parents, as they usually end up viewing their children as a nuisance and seek to spend as much time away from them as possible. And if they do have to be around, they expect not to be bothered or interrupted by the children. Their children are there for as and when they need them. Narcissists are very selfish with their time, so whatever they fill it with has to be with things they want to do.

 But to conclude, what we can see is that the Narcissist’s so-called “time alone” usually means they are up to no good or wasting their time and lives away indulging in their addictions. Also, the people they can use to replace you in some of these instances can be anyone from a complete stranger, family member, or their own child; Whoever it is that is providing them with that extra boost of Narcissistic Supply. Because at the end of it all, Narcissists are very self-serving people who are only consumed with thoughts on how they can get ahead or assert more control.

 For a Narcissist to really be alone, it would mean actually spending time with themselves and this is something they try desperately to avoid. Their life is built around constantly trying to distract themselves from themselves. So, when a Narcissist wants time alone, no matter how they communicate it, what they are actually saying is that they need time without you.

Ok, that’s it for today. Please, don’t forget to share wherever you can. Many thanks for reading and have a blessed week everyone.


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